Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Becoming Iron Man: BIG turn in my journey

I did fall out at the union, and it was related to my myriad of health issues.  Thank God there were grad student nurses who called 911 and came to my wounds.
oh wounded.

yes, I chipped a front tooth from the fall.  I fractured bones in my nose.  I have a laceration on my forehead with stitches.  my body aches from hitting the cement.  but I survived.

The EMT arrived and I got to OSU ER, again.

As I got my tooth temporarily fixed, I got all the tests and consults.  I was moved to the Ross this afternoon. (With much drama, but that is another blog)

This time tomorrow I should be a kind of Iron (wo)Man.  I am getting a dual device put in my body to help my heart.

I am okay with this, I have made piece with it.

I will be able to drive in 48 hours but will be in an arm sling for seven days, restrictions for a month to start.

but this rehab and recovery has got to be better than what I been through, Death and back.  Death knocking at the door again.  but I refuse.
Even though my face looks like I was in a fight with Ice Cube's character from Boyz in the Hood, I am confident.

greater is He than me.

but my shoes are dope

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