Saturday, September 3, 2016

more anger at medicine, sister and her news

I felt something wrong in the space time continuum,  So I went to get dairy queen and call Sister.

eventually she told me the news, that she has to get hip replacement surgery.
yes, she is young for it.
yes, we are happy if it alleviates pain we are down for this.

BUT she was being treated by a team of doctors for several years and they kept "treating" around her back (2 surgeries) and even though she had localized pain in her hip, not one of these heifers (doctors) caught that she had NO cartilage in her hip.  BONE ON BONE.  imagine the pain for the past two years she has been going through.

so now she is on the right path with new doctors, but to not xray is just malpractice.  like thats just dumb.  residents could figure this out.

so that leads me two places:
1. im fixin to expose the former medical team
2. im less trustful of medical doctors.

it puts me in a place of high mistrust.
and now I at a loss with all these specialists bc I am second guessing every move.  well third guessing, I already fire and make them give me every documentation.

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