Saturday, July 2, 2016

"I never saw a wild thing feel sorry for itself"

D.H. Lawrence

“I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.”

This poem on self pity comes to mind when folks as me questions about the metaphysical.  "are you mad at G-d?" "How long will it take for you to get better?"  "YOU LOOK ok." 

Annie asked me a better question, what am I learning about this?

I actually had not taken the head space to think about that.
I always viewed myself as a strong willed person with a strong test.

I believe LIFE is a TEST and  TRUST.  If this is one of my tests, I feel I have passed it.  ha.  
If it had not been for my history that was full of tests I would not probably have survived what happened to me.  Each time I get knocked down, and in this case, OUT for real, is preparing me for GREATER.

Dr. Briggs Phillips, psychologist, asked me to pick my word for 2016, and it was ANOINTED. 
People live in fear, I am not afraid to die, it is living that is hard.  And not having enough of it.

Im confident to take risks that others may not take bc my whole life struggle has been if I dont do it, who am I?

This episode asks me who am I?  What am I made of?

As I plan to take my life back, you have to assess what you are made of.  our circumstances to define how we self determine

Brain over cane 

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