Sunday, July 31, 2016

Langston Hughes on walking alone

your friends may be with you, but there are some things you walk alone

"Crossing" by Langston Hughes
It was that lonely day, folks,
When I walked all by myself.
My friends was all around me
But it was as if they'd left.
I went up on a mountain 
In a high cold wind 
And the coat that I was wearing 
Was mosquito-netting thin. 
I went down in the valley 
And I crossed an icy stream 
And the water I was crossing 
Was no water in a dream 
And the shoes I was wearing 
No protection for that stream. 
Then I stood out on a prairie 
And as far as I could see 
Wasn't nobody on that prairie 
Looked like me. 
It was that lonely day, folks, 
I walked all by myself: 
My friends was right there with me 
But was just as if they'd left.

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