Sunday, October 16, 2016

more than I can say (or do) when you dont know

I have talked to several people this week, who were like, I wanted to reach out, but felt bad that time had passed... or they didn't know what to say...

Let me spend some time and thought here.  not for me per se.  but if I were a friend to someone like me what that would that look like...

1. Acquaintance.  you know that person.  follow them on snapchat.  but dont hang out.  I feel like a text, email or totally fine in reaching out.  lets not over state the relationship.

2. If I am a work colleague of yours but we dont hang out outside of work, I would probably get folks together to give the sick person something they needed.  which if you are sick, is prob money, food, or an actual thing.

3. If the person sick is a fam member, showing up and asking should be done.  period.  even if you are estranged.  if they aint about the right, dont make time for that ish, will make you prob sicker

4. If it is a romantic partner, you should be able to articulate the needs from one another, and if a sickness breaks your relationship, then they were not worth it.  you should not have to always ASK.  I know for some that just as exhaustive as being sick.

5. Urban fam generally will ask you what you need and will be on top of it.

6. at the end of the day sick folks got to suck up the pride and just ask for what we need..  it is hard, but literally, you only live once

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