Saturday, October 1, 2016

nosy neighbors

these fools.
got my yard done because I got a city citation for it being overgrown in the front.  REALLY city, can you pay attention to the drug epidemic and not this handicap person who struggles to just go to work and do good in the world and even on a good day HATES OUTSIDE.

fine, got the work done, cool.

apparently the worker who did a great job, cut down some random plant in the alley that they planted.  so the female neighbor hears me get out of my car and starts crying.  CRYING about i must hate them and brought up two months ago when my 80 year old uncle threatened to kill their cats etc.

my uncle threatens to kill everyone and everything,  and he is 80 he can get away with that.  how is she intimidated by this old dude.  but whatev

this woman is crying about my uncle from something he said in first week of july, her animal kingdom and wild life in tact.  she is like ummm we think you hate us.


I almost died this summer.  been sick for a long time.  my mama died and I am trying to help folks.  you think i have time for you.  I DONT EVER THINK about you.  EXCEPT right now when you are crying about some plants and your animals that come in my yard all the time and I allow that ish.

She was like OHHHH we didnt know.  its none of your business.

then her HUSBAND thought it was a real nice to comment on my body "OH you lost a lot of weight"  me: well i almost died and my FAT saved my life.
Husband: oh well I have to go to work.

yeah, get out of my face with that bullshit.

i offered to compensate them for those weeds in the alley, they declined based on the fact that DEATH lives next door.

maybe they think its contagious.

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